Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist advice or council, please! We Meet the guy 8 months (me - 23...

02.06.2004, 22:03
Help or Assist advice or council, please! We Meet the guy 8 months (me - 23, to him - 31). Like all not bad develops, serious attitudes or relations; when we together - all is remarkable... The problem that there are we 2 times a week and so it turns out that there is it in the certain days (he works every day, including on days off; I too earn additionally, often - in the evenings). Probably it is absolutely normal situation, but I am am killed simply with this sensation of occurrings under the schedule... I feel item or point from the list in the daily log (he is an initiator of this "schedule"): - (. Who had a similar situation - prompt, how with it or this to consult?! Thanks!

The anonym
04.06.2004, 00:10
It is very doubtful, that in such schedule you at it or him one.

04.06.2004, 22:14
One! I know it precisely. At us not those attitudes or relations, that so each other to deceive.