Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, disturbs an itch on a skin in an inguen more in the evening and even in a dream at night!...

01.06.2004, 06:38
Prompt, disturbs an itch on a skin in an inguen more in the evening and even in a dream at night!! It was checked on Saccharum vseok, billirubin and hepatic assays by way of, the fungus is not present, there is an internal hemorrhoids, ointments with the maintenance or contents of hormones on mine do not help or assist, than it to explain? Two times the feces on ljamblii has handed over them have not found?

Bobrov A.E.
01.06.2004, 17:11
If all these results of inspections negative presence t is rather probable. n. A psychogenic itch. Usually he is formed on a background of disturbing or alarming frustration or depression. About signs - esteem in conference "Psychotherapist" in a heading "Self-diagnostics" (depressions, inexplicable somatic complaints, generalizovannaja alarm).