Просмотр полной версии : As you think, whether likes muzhchna on the present (married), if day and night go...

17.05.2004, 22:47
As you think, whether likes muzhchna on the present (married) if day and night speaks that likes, but at us still that was not while, wishs my of good luck with the future husband (which else is not present in the project and sprashivaet-he does not stir or prevent all time lt to me in personal zhizne. Whether here as love smells in general?

Concealling or Thawing
19.05.2004, 00:14
Necessarily smells. Interestingly, than the man is engaged married, that denno and nochno repeats love. And of you is afraid, if you like, be more courageous.

19.05.2004, 04:34
Here at me same. Likes the girl on the party or side and me with a daughter likes, already the pavor takes. Be protected such love!

Ninel for Svety.
20.05.2004, 10:42
And you consider or count he VA sljubit and why you together instead of release or let off it or him to the girl on the party or side?

20.05.2004, 20:49
Eh, Maria, Maria..... Happiness to you certainly, but 99 % - he certainly can and likes, but " strannoju love " - is shorter, hardly in this situation he will create with you family. Simply houses most likely do not suffice him of sex though all rest arranges (if it or he in family has a small child, I think, that I am right on 100 %. You in its or his eyes that that like "first aid" I Shall be glad to be mistaken.

The woman
22.05.2004, 01:47
To the man is more visible, and I with it or him agree.

The anonym
23.05.2004, 08:33
Well if you do not know the man or not here and for a long time do not guess likes you!

24.05.2004, 17:56
Maria, and what you put in concept " - to the present "? I here consider or count, that " - to the present " is he should throw at once the wife, and with you there and then, not shelving, in a bed or cot to be filled up. Can, he likes you as the brother, or how papochka? e. potryndet with you to him it is pleasant, to take a look at you, to imagine, that he in case of what can " u-u-uh " (as in " the Service novel ")... There Is such category of men (by the way, rather widespread) for which " has presented - all the same, that was ". It seems to me, what is it that case. I think, if you want " the present or true love " (see above), it - not your variant.

For conceal
25.05.2004, 08:57
And that he - to yours boitsja? Simply at me a similar case, I shall not understand in what phobia?

27.05.2004, 00:44
So who holds my dog? For a long time it is released or is let off, an does not leave..., to walk it would be desirable also us with dochurkoj it would be desirable... Everything does not leave also, I even given by it or him vydala-do not take....

Light for Ninel
27.05.2004, 21:27
I responded not. You know, Ninel, I do not know who has told or said instead of me, but I really am not hold the husband. Liked, I like, but I am not insolent or hold.