Просмотр полной версии : Thanks for the advice or council, dear or expensive Igor, I above it or this work. I hope to receive rezul...

21.05.2004, 19:06
Thanks for the advice or council, dear or expensive Igor, I above it or this work. I hope to receive result. It is very glad, that to my small message have paid attention. If, certainly you have responded me.
For now there will be results, touches the fact napusknovo indifferences from its or his party or side a little.

22.05.2004, 03:46
Valjusha, greetings! For more concrete advice or council write how old are you and as the husband behaves. Advice or council which has been given by me earlier do not reject. Us, muzhiks, really always touches and surprises what yet was not. I wait!

22.05.2004, 14:34
Igor, hi! At us stoboj excellent or different dialogue is planned. In occasion of age: you can define or determine it or him under my statements? In occasion of the husband further... About your age umenja

22.05.2004, 19:27
Hi, Igor! To me of 38 years. The first, than I it or him have decided to surprise for an inattention in current of 13 years family zhizni-it have suggested to divorce. And, when he, at last, soglasilsja-we in the world isoglasii-have divorced. And on May, 10th an anniversary as we live razdelno-he rents the apartment, Our occurrings were reduced up to 1 time a week. We meet, we buy or purchase products for all week on me and the son, and we miss before a following occurring. All is good, yes only touches something a little... Not that that I have stopped loving Motives of my divorce, and our matrimonial attitudes or relations have come to deadlock. While.....

23.05.2004, 20:03
And at it or him on personal to a raft as? Vse-taki year already separately. Business is much more complex or difficult, than could seem navzgljad! Priglasi on a visit, when there is no the child to look or appear it is necessary so unusually, what he you still never saw (konecheno not in the evening order), but full contrast of the ordinary! Age at you balzakovsky, the blossoming of female appeal! Behave unostentatiously, but also do not show full apathy.
Get or Start dialogue on the responded subject and plano pass to desirable..., but in no event in what do not reproach. Further all will go, like clockwork. Success also write to us:))))))

25.05.2004, 07:14
Igor, hi! Approximately, something similar to your last advice or council, I also assumed to make, but in what it forme-while I think over. Vremeni-dostatochno-week. Then soobshch. While.....

26.05.2004, 01:14
The god in the help, Valjuha!