Просмотр полной версии : To my child 1 year and 9 months. To me offer very good job, about a cat...

12.05.2004, 04:05
To my child 1 year and 9 months. To me offer very good job of which I all life dreamed. When I think, how I shall work and as there will be there business or affairs, I am very happy or am and I wish to accept the offer, but on the second bowl of weights or balances my child who should be given the another's person on education and which unequivocally will not give him everything that I could give. I am am torn apart with contradictions, and I cannot will cope with myself. On the one hand I wish to work, and with another I wish to bring up the child. Prompt what to do or make, then to not be excruciated by feeling of fault and are afraid, what I can miss the child? Thanks

14.05.2004, 01:38
Natalia go to work and employ the nurse. Believe the person with ped. Education can give even to such small child frequently even more than the most liking mum:) I Can argue that you went to a day nursery to another's people on education:)

16.05.2004, 20:33
It agree with Gikoj, here only for me it would be more important not education and that the person was kind and liking children.

18.05.2004, 08:30
Lerchik, I was not correctly expressed. Certainly not only education, I had in view of acquaintance to various techniques... Very much even it is useful to start already at this age to develop a fine motility and td. And if with parents the child can and pokapriznichat with the clever and liking nurse this number or room will not pass or not take place!

21.05.2004, 05:38
Thanks, but I see as in a court yard some nurses concern to children whom they look, and I am afraid, that it is necessary to search very longly for the nurse about which you speak. All the same I am am excruciated with feeling of fault, that I early throw the child. How of it or him will get rid?

24.05.2004, 13:41
To find such nurse 1) address to friends 2) address in agency 3) Advertize on the Internet. In any case at once inform demands and payment. I for mum similar job have found just through the Internet on a portal "Vseobuch" section and is called "Nurses" there - by the way and agencies place announcements.

Hazhilina I.I.
25.05.2004, 19:52
Natalia! For your child very important that its or his mum itself was happy or enough and happy. Then you can give him much more heat and love! If this job will give you these or it oushchenija, the child lot of love means also will receive!