Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist please advice or council. The matter is that I live with the man in grazhdans...

09.05.2004, 09:17
Help or Assist please advice or council.
The matter is that I live with the man in a civil marriage 1, 5 years. At me the child from the first braka-6 years. The daughter he likes my second husband, very good person, but big the bore. Sometimes to mine of patience the extremity or end comes, and we start to swear roughly, the conflict is at times tightened or delayed for weeks. After such next quarrel, I have decided to descend or go to known at us in city gadalshchiku. He has told or said, that we together shall not live. After that I cannot come to the senses, I have believed in predictions, and absolutely there are no forces to try to adjust attitudes or relations with my civil husband, in fact if all the same all is foreordained or outlined in advance... But the daughter likes it or him, I too, and me already 30.. What to do or make?

12.05.2004, 21:23
Time gadalshchik is more dear or expensive than the person with which together... About what speech? Frequently women believe only in that, in what wish to believe))) But here if you did not wish to believe in the foretold nonsense, contrary to all would live together. Recollect banality about the list of good and bad qualities... That it turns out more?

13.05.2004, 07:58
Problem in that in the 30, you and did not become the adult, responsible or crucial person.

14.05.2004, 02:05
You know, I too like everything, that is connected with a guessing but after to my girlfriend have foretold: from first marriage it or she will not have children, and from second two, and she married 5 years and at it or her to the girl a year, began to reflect on the second I have understood - all guessings continuous nonsense. Simply admit to itself, that attitudes or relations between you not klejutsja. You have written, that the husband the good person, the daughter likes, well that else it is necessary, not everyone will accept the woman with the child, moreover that the daughter liked it or him. For example, mine grazhdanski the husband awful the bore, but besides it or this, at it or him still a bouquet of any disadvantages. So, if he only was the bore so I would consider or count, that he is ideal at me. Believe, boreness is such trifle, in comparison with those mucks on which men are capable.

15.05.2004, 10:09
You, allocated from the God free will, go to any proshchelyge, are soiled by this vile superstition, moreover he tries to spoil to you a life! Well, golubushka, take itself in arms or hand! If kreshchenaja, descend or go, pokajtes, and then and get married, yes give birth still to pair children with the "bore". Oh, all of them a few or a little;little bit bores!

15.05.2004, 23:34
Oh, as disgustingly here speak about predictions!:-((though, I believe, many charlatans, but nevertheless... Vick, look or see at the palms, and then re-read once again the narration and properly think...

Monika (neangel)
16.05.2004, 15:15
Vick, and you descend or go to another gadalshchiku, and he to you will tell absolutely another. Can then you will cease to believe any nonsense?

17.05.2004, 01:48
About, Monika! You Do or Make first steps to success!

18.05.2004, 01:28
And if you will not understand anything, Vick, leave the coordinates where you can be responded. Successes!:-))

21.05.2004, 00:01
Duvushka, operate or work by contradiction, t. e. Have told or said that you will not live, and you live on a harm if certainly you wish to live with it or him... Guessings it is certainly good, but Destiny do or make by the arms or hand.

23.05.2004, 18:23
How it is possible to live to spite of any gadalshiku? And quarrels in family and nepoldaki too from there is nobody the barin? A miracle marvellous... otrodjas did not hear: - ((

25.05.2004, 18:56
Ljalja, by the way I know women which acted perekor to all and by the way saved the families for myself and for children. The main thing that was desire that or to save...