Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to understand please, that occurs or happens to our family. With the husband we live...

06.05.2004, 04:54
Help or Assist to understand please, that occurs or happens to our family. With the husband we live 4 years. In the beginning was very well, I was pregnant, have given birth, but it has appeared so, that our child the invalid (through 6 mesetsev we have buried it or her) From first marriage at me is the daughter and she very much ljudit my husband, names its or his daddy. The husband began to drink. At it or him the roof went. But I not drosila it or him, and have decided to give birth again to the child though this decision to me dolos is very serious. We have discussed all with it or him, he has ceased to drink. But costed to me zaberemenit as he began to drink again. Well saws not vodka as earlier, and one took wine and saws on kitchen or cuisine. When I have given birth (moreover and the boy and absolutely healthy) he has promised, that he not zderzhal will not drink more, but the word. Now to our son 2, 7 years, but the husband former drinks. Also wine, some bottles of beer. But when will drink, starts to shout at me, to humiliate, oskarbljat, and once even has struck. I wished to tear our marriage or spoilage, but for other day he in legs or foots voljalsja, lizhby I was not has left. But he all the same continues to drink, and then again oskarblenija and t. Item What to do or make, in fact he does not believe me, what is it an alcoholism.

06.05.2004, 19:17
Address the question in conference "psychotherapist". There you will be responded by the doctor. In this konfe the doctor does not happen.

The anonym
07.05.2004, 18:38
Also will not believe. To speak it is useless. Or to drag to
To the doctor, by force to drag. Or to leave, with a condition,
That homing takes place only after the beginning
Treatments. But thus it is necessary to be ready to those,
That he will choose not you.

The anonym
08.05.2004, 20:20
Write to conference "expert in narcology".

10.05.2004, 06:48
I four years - left and came back... Stages of a pardon looked or appeared as: tears and sopli, oathes and promises. And after homing a paradise life a maximum week. And all taki I have left. It is happy now, and, recollecting the last life, I regret only that is not has left at once. Do not excruciate itself and children, leave. It is better "to have been ill" break, than to be excruciated all life. I do not believe, that topers ispravimy: examples mass: my father, the son-in-law, the husband of the girlfriend, the husband srodnoj sisters... The script " uhodov-pardon " is absolutely identical. Treatment - fiction. Sooner or later they are again broken. And to live expectation of failure is too excruciatingly.

The anonym
11.05.2004, 18:17
Galina, happens and not so. At you the experience, at yours
Friends the, at me too the is. The some people
Keep, and all at them is good. Simply purely or cleanly on
chelovecheski it is bad: as the difficult moment, so
" Excuse, the darling, I have run ". Can, easier not
To wait, while the husband will find new job, if it or him
Have dismissed, and to find new? During the serious moments
Support of relatives is the only thing, owing to
To that the person gets out. And one he it is exact tonet,
He has nothing to come up. But if the script
It is known in advance if the person DOES NOT WANT - yours
The truth to leave and to not come back. Though here...
This all ONLY iz-for the child? At the man? Very much
Doubtfully. Can, he and the truth does not want
To vary, can, to him so is easier. But to allocate or remove to
To the doctor - will not be worse from it or this, correctly?

Well here
12.05.2004, 15:49
It is simply present or true alcoholism. And for Vas-katorga if with it or him will remain. Undress eyes and drive it or him on all four parties or sides. All. Other decision is not present.

12.05.2004, 20:27
Yes, yes from the doctor will not be worse, but only would tell or say, please, your husbands have gone or send to the doctor to admit, that he drinks and much. I understand, as too it is a lot of exceptions, but 50 % of men openly about it or this are more will not tell or say, even aloud samamu to itself. But, and about that, gone through with it or him burning, that will understand me who such has gone through (God forbid koneno) I cannot leave it or him and is simple slap a door and leave having taken with myself 2 children. And not in it or this that business, it is possible to leave always. Easier or simply how to help or assist him. To me have told or said that on itself decay, here he and drinks. And here still its or his mother in our family puts a nose, advice or councils to him allows to bring up as correctly me (I overheard though also it not decently) I have gone to the fortuneteller, she have confirmed mine oposenija, that its or his mummy on our divorce has made, the stinker.

14.05.2004, 02:58
Yes, yes from the doctor will not be worse, but only would tell or say, please, your husbands have gone or send to the doctor to admit, that he drinks and much. I understand, as too it is a lot of exceptions, but 50 % of men openly about it or this are more will not tell or say, even aloud samamu to itself. But, and about that, gone through with it or him burning, that will understand me who such has gone through (God forbid koneno) I cannot leave it or him and is simple slap a door and leave having taken with myself 2 children. And not in it or this that business, it is possible to leave always. Easier or simply how to help or assist him. To me have told or said that on itself decay, here he and drinks. And here still its or his mother in our family puts a nose, advice or councils to him allows to bring up as correctly me (I overheard though also it not decently) I have gone to the fortuneteller, she have confirmed mine oposenija, that its or his mummy on our divorce has made, the stinker.

The anonym
15.05.2004, 02:53
U-u-u-at, it that... Decay, means... You
Believe in these things? Kind or kindly, find the grandmother. But not
Under the announcement in the newspaper, " 500 % probability of putting off or taking out
Decays ", and the grandmother what through familiar. Can,
Will help or assist, but on my experience was not such. Simply
Think: mother of the son has maleficiated on pnsto-
Divorce. And the fortuneteller... " The girl, and can, on mine
The husband decay, look or see, and that at it or him mat-the stinker "
" Da-da-yes, the darling, decay, probably mother
Has tried, want I shall remove or I shall take off, from you 300 $ " Here
Any fortuneteller to be it is not necessary. So after
Grandmothers - vse-taki to the doctor. He to want is treated
Should, he should understand, that if will not stop,
That will lose you. Leaving or care from the house - not pugalochka. I
At once has told or said - budte are ready to leave so, that not
To return. Or he is healthy also you together - or he
Such with what is also you separately. And to frighten and not
To execute - dead or sickly number or room.

Anna N.
16.05.2004, 05:15
Zdrastvujte Anastas. At me a similar situation. Also the daughter from first marriage, likes the second husband (while) also the daddy names (while). I have not given birth to the child (thanks God) though very much I want. Two years ago the husband began to drink, he and earlier drank but moderately. And now absolutely falls. Sober normal, and the fool will drink absolutely. Shouts, quarrels, already some times an arm or a hand on me lifted and at the daughter too, she very much is nervous when he drunk, is afraid of it or him. From sober would not depart, and when drunk home from school is afraid to go. At me not a life, and a nightmare. Of days off and holidays I am afraid as fire. Try it or him than nibud to borrow or occupy, it is useless. Will begin business, will wash down and will throw. Here speak to the doctor it is necessary, and I and in hospital already got with an insult, on edge or territory of a life and mors was. After a week two abstained and again for vodka. To go there is no place and to expel it or him it is impossible (he though drinks and the rights knows, mum has learned). Here so, young, nice and lives are not present (and any). Iz-for pjanki at it or him sexual rastrojstvo so he now revnivtsem became brutal. Too neznaju what to do or make how to live further? Here I look through conferences "expert in narcology" "psychotherapist", advice or councils give much, neznaju only what to use.

16.05.2004, 12:22
To the ANONYM: Can be. But I did not meet such examples, that have thrown time and on always (has recovered). There can be I look or appear egoistkoj. But how much in your opinion it is necessary to spend time before to leave " with pure or clean conscience "? Year? Five years? The Life? For the sake of what? Children of it or this will not estimate or appreciate precisely. As also husband Anastasii and not so that aspires that or to change, as I have understood. And the chance "to come up" - is given to everyone. All we cheloveki. The Another matter, that that to that he is given not only does not use it or him, but also starts to abuse kindness of people liking it or him.

17.05.2004, 21:40
ANASTASII: My the first did not recognize itself(himself) as a toper, no less than other my drinking relatives. On coding its or his parents (as, I do not know, thus was not present already) "have persuaded". Codings have sufficed not on long. Has started to drink even more strongly. Decay - babkiny fairy tales. It not seems to you?))) the Mother-in-law, certainly on the party or side of the son. It or she can be understood, how mother, but no more. I too advised: " So he drinks - and you with it or him drink, what both has less got, and did not go from the house where ". And he drank practically every day and everything, that burns. Can present, in what I would turn " in the name of love "? What it or her worried? That synulja houses were, under supervision, she thought of me least.))) to that similar patriotism is necessary?

18.05.2004, 09:31
I - a toper. I drink 1 2 bottles of beer (they in kanade on 330 gr and a fortress of 5 %) in 2, and that in 3 weeks. I take offence, when to me do not leave the bought or purchased wine or more a spirit (but with them - is easier, washing them not pyot) which are selected by friends in my absence, at that not mine. I very much like a glass red (more often merlo or kaberne-savinon) to a good chop, or a glass white under zapechyonyj the sturgeon. Yes, I - a toper. So now - me to children to give birth or travail? Or to escape from me? At what here alcohol? The person, having left from under the conscious control, shows the essence. Why get acquainted at a feast more often, yes because with drunk the picture of essence is visible. Yes you me fill in - ears, I shall not lift an arm or a hand even if my and latest stinker, especially on the son though so to him gets and morally and fizmcheski by ispravitelno-educational jobs. Has looked or seen to him in soul, it was developed or unwrapped and has left (or or it or him). Clearly, that in that case sex - the justification to patience, and start up it or him, when: 1) sober; 2) desired, but no more than on sex. Even for the night do not leave. pobrykaetsja also will get used. Instead of will cease to drink, so you to yourself coming will find another in such free status.

The anonym
19.05.2004, 17:43
Galina, all can be. Therefore I also speak about
The doctor: in absentia to not solve, rotten this business or
Really to make something. I e want anybody
To idealize. The toper which has realized that to what
And at once recovered - Orazum from female
Magazine. Not understood anything and the interested person
To understand - a reality. But there are exceptions,
Happen, the truth. And almost all that have got out,
Spoke (though and without words it was clear) " if she
Me has thrown, I would not stop ". Can bytoe
Happens in 1 case from 10, 20. But if it is liked
The person - will not be a pity to miss even this
Scanty chance? And if all deafly or indistinctly, clearly.
To leave, yet late.

20.05.2004, 02:49
Anastas, listen to me as the child from such here families (the daddy the drunk, and it it is a pity to mum it or him) - are not present more terribly such childhood - from it or him children from the house run and in brothels get. You want such future to the children at you in fact the boy grows, and the daughter that can make with them the deranged muzhik? Of them think first of all - you MOTHER!!!! I the father have begun to hate also mother I do not understand till now though I like and I regret it or her. If motive to live with a toper the desire serves to not leave children without father - listen to me - better any than such....

20.05.2004, 17:14
100 % the ALCOHOLISM. It is necessary to convince it or him to be treated or run from it or him more quickly and further, differently your life becomes a hell if any more did not become!

22.05.2004, 02:24
To the ANONYM. You consider or count, what in a similar situation pertinently to speak about love? Humiliation, the insult and poboi " under a drunk shop ", and next day " children's babble " in the justification: " But in fact I was drunk, I remember nothing, I such did not speak!... " Is a love??? Yes if it has occured or happened even once - about any love even speeches cannot be! In such situation the woman, as a rule, regrets "husband", and "husband" - I at all do not know, how it precisely to name, that feels and he thinks. Here, I think, it is necessary to mention only love maternal. Mother likes the child such what he is. And the wife... Before first "scolding" likes, and then is afraid and regrets and suffers or bears, suffers or bears, suffers or bears...

The anonym
23.05.2004, 00:22
Galina, I spoke it not to YOU, and Anastass. To me
It seemed, that at it or her a little bit other situation.
The person did not degrade yet so. Yes,
Love. To that person with whom framed
Family. Yes, if it is an alcoholism it is very great
Probability, that from this person nothing
Remains - if still something remains. But if
Remains, for it it is possible to be overcome. If remains.
If is not present, if has remained only physical
The environment, former haven of THAT person (further
- As you speak all) - to remain equivalently
To to remain with the late husband. Or even
It is more terrible. If there is only a pavor and a little
Pity, if all love - only to the one whom he
kogda-that was - to leave. I not by hearsay about it or this
I speak. If not late if the person has not died-
It is possible and is necessary to try to help or assist. And to struggle not
Only with bent for to alcohol. In fact iz-for something it
Has begun. Can, he did not have not enough support. Can,
He searched for it or her not at people. Though, can, and it is simple
Low threshold of sensitivity to alcohol and
Fast accustoming... Therefore - the doctor. Knowingly
The association from the lates has come. While the person is alive,
It or Him support or maintain and for it or him struggle. After it or him
It nobody is necessary for mors. It or him bury and build
The life further, without it or him. And to remain series and
To look, that will occur or happen... To anybody it not
It is necessary. And least - to the dead man. Or to a toper.

23.05.2004, 07:50
To the ANONYM. To mine, in the beginning of the reference or manipulation there was only my name, therefore I have taken personally all. Sorry. I capitulate, because NEVER I can support or maintain your position. I do not wish to seem rasping, but, in my opinion all this boltologija is good for women who cannot (do not want, are afraid - on a choice) to throw the person who for a long time has spat on all (and on them - first of all), and calms or abirritates itself liked (not understood by everything, offended, but in any way doing not wish to admit to itself, that is sick of an alcoholism) wine.