Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the help is necessary to me. I study in 11 ohm a class. Me to like pair...

13.05.2004, 05:32
Hello, the help is necessary to me. I study in 11 ohm a class. To like me the guy from a parallel class, and I think, that I too like him. When we videmsja we look each other in the face not coming off. Once we stood one in a corridor, and looked against each other, not tearing off eyes, in current of several minutes. It proceeds 1, 5. First he simply liked me, and it is more further, now I cannot without it or him any more. When we had vacation, I thought only about itself, it was as an oxygen failure. But if I like him, why he does not approach or suit to me? And if is not present why he looks at me a unusual view? That to me to do or make, in fact I like it or him.

The anonym
14.05.2004, 16:34
Have fallen asleep on one and a half year in edinnom a look?

The anonym
15.05.2004, 19:19
While it is not necessary for him any more, he hesitates.

17.05.2004, 09:32
Marina dear or expensive... That you so in this occasion.. At me such was years in 13. zakonchmlos that he has left school and I have forgotten it or him. We meet sometimes in district, but no flame is present... All passes or takes place... And at you will pass or take place... And if cannot without it or him - so approach or suit, poznakomtes, and do not excruciate itself.... Success.

18.05.2004, 12:15
Dear, Marina!

Not all guys so are brave to approach or suit and meet. As krti if he tnbn is pleasant and if for a long time you LIKE it or him do or make the first a step; approach or suit to it or him;them and get or start razgoor, and you so yourselves each other ruin that.

19.05.2004, 06:29
Dear, type or collect boldness, approach or suit to it or him;them and all tell or say, tell or say about the feelings and ask about it or him. Well if it is not mutual, all the same fine, even you will place all points above i!

20.05.2004, 07:26
Next time approach or suit and ask it or him chegoj-that he on you so looks. It also will be an occasion for conversation. And about I "like" and " I can not live " do not hurry up, as you at all do not know that he for the person. In dialogue with it or him do not show the ardent feelings better.