Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon at me such problem. We live together hardly more year. For a floor...

09.05.2004, 02:30
Good afternoon at me such problem. We live together hardly more year. For a floor of year before our occurring peerzhil very serious divorce. Attitudes or relations always were frank. Last 4 months he does not work. perbivaetsja earnings. On this ground has earned a neurosis. The doctor has registered medicines. And here our problems he have begun all became or began madly irritable and the most important that it or him is perfect or absolute peerstal to interest sex. For last month we were engaged only 3 times. I accomplished or perfect;absolute have not enough of this or thus. I in opened or open to him it gvorila. In the answer I am tired, I not hochtsja should suffer. And treatment it for 4 months. I already think can get or start the lover. And rassavatsja I would not be desirable and to live so I can not that to me do or make any more? There Are ways as about it to change?

09.05.2004, 20:07
Julia, your husband needs comprehension, do not press strongly on it or him. And with the lover, probably, it is necessary to wait. Arrange a romantic supper, posmotrita together erotic kasety is better... I think, that gradually all will start to be adjusted!

Kiseleva E.J.
10.05.2004, 19:34
Hello, JUdija! While at your husband a neurosis about gormonichnyh sex attitudes or relations to speak early. More likely you should be arranged on its or his rate of a life. As to the lover, the decision only for you.

12.05.2004, 00:23
If he to you of roads also is desire to save normal attitudes or relations with the lover it is better to not hurry (, it will always be was in time). Wait... Be with it or him terpimee. Do not arrange razborok, do not press. On the contrary, tell or say, that understand it or him, that agree to wait... He will necessarily estimate or appreciate it.

12.05.2004, 14:04
Hello. At me almost all also. But also now I also am pregnant 30 weeks. Though all this has begun long before pregnancy. Each time trying to talk I receive result even worse. Only decay all. And it would be desirable to correct. The husband is angered for the whole world. Swears at all even with parents. To sex has grown cold already for a long time. Too that it is tired that still that. Who can prompt. Especially as there was I such not one.

14.05.2004, 03:17
I understand all this, but by way of a romantic supper and all such. I already that have probably tried all. Anything. podstaivatsja but without sex I cannot live 4 months. The patience that is not boundless

14.05.2004, 23:56
Really 4 months cannot be lived without sex? What is this hypersexuality such? And the pregnant woman will be, suddenly will forbid? What then? Well, eventually, be engaged in self-satisfaction.

16.05.2004, 14:12
Forgive or Excuse, can raspingly it has turned out. But your position too looks or appears egoistichno. Naturally, in conditions of such instability when at the muzhik the self-rating falls, it affects sex. And all your attempts "to talk, insist on the only cause a boring. Suffer, while the situation will not be adjusted, support or maintain it or him. The lover only will aggravate a situation, then will get confused. And the husband never will forgive or excuse. To itself will make is worse. Well present, that he not that that does not want, instead of can, as a matter of fact is sick (and it indeed, you write). Instead of give the God will really be ill, you that, at once will throw it or him and will leave to another?

The anonym
17.05.2004, 01:21
I do not know, I too without sex not so kak-that...
I shall explain - after divorce the person experiences the stress equivalent to loss of the close person, it can proceed about two years. Your husband very strongly liked you, if has agreed to meet already in half a year. And now present - divorce, loss of job, and you saw it or him, that to you a little. Yes here at everybody the neurosis will begin! Understand itself all over again, and that - lovers...

17.05.2004, 17:36
You have noticed, what to you write continuous Irishi and Iry? And in general - come more often to me and give better to Sidorovskoj to mum we descend or go. Behind advice or council. And Serzhik will add:)

18.05.2004, 12:42
All is remarkable there is what I egostka. So practically also nimfomanka. I n hnaju as in other families occur or happen, but sex is necessary for me even 2 times a week./ there is a self-satisfaction. But it is not always good. And in occasion of illness or disease too intersnoe the remark. There was such situation that I serzno was ill treatment demands time and greater or big money. I come from job he sidit is played behind a computer. As so he is ill or sick to him the doctor has forbidden to worry! And that it is necessary to me to stick for 2 h I is tired! udovolstivie from pribyvanie in the house I do not receive. And after that radosno advise to wait