Просмотр полной версии : All girls, irrespective of imen-with Tatjaninym in the Afternoon!! And, certainly, as...

07.05.2004, 14:52
All girls, irrespective of imen-with Tatjaninym in the Afternoon!! And, certainly, as future student. And the uncle well vota, and lisku unforgettable and the Herring that she was healthy.

08.05.2004, 01:39
Has forgotten ((((

09.05.2004, 11:14
Well has not forgotten, that you, my pleasure on all centuries or blepharons! In soul or douche you has congratulated most earlier!!

10.05.2004, 21:27
In soul you will not glance!) and I here the patient regretted you, regretted... Here she, gratitude porosjachja ((

11.05.2004, 01:20
And you study in soul to look, time nesmejana!! I have confessed... .a a fault confessed is half redressed. I am direct zardelsja all... I quail... Yes!! When you me the patient regretted It?? CHto-something I shall not remember...

Well here
11.05.2004, 04:17
Hrjushkin, nef. g them pozdravljat-any Tatyana! (((and without ceremony so prozdravljat-zaznajutstsa!))) Up to 8 go Marta-razdujutstsa!))) And I regretted you only, svininka you ours... postnenkaja...

11.05.2004, 17:18
Hrjunchik where you were! To me your shrew jealous Lapochka polhvosta has peeled or fleeced also my muzzle of unprecedented beauty has scratched. I sit, wounds I lick, I recollect your soft shchetinku.

Well here
13.05.2004, 03:24
At us loss...))))))) liska, do not experience, we it or her with the Elk... To May...

14.05.2004, 16:21
liska, I Lapochke shall arrange with this kozjumordu on a porch!! I to her of a paw shall turn konvertikom!! Poor, poor liska... .mozhet to you zelenki to buy or purchase?? I rich, even can be ruined on an iodine. The uncle well here, you me proslezil... I all was deeply moved. Good you children or guys! Ogo-go, hrju, hrju...

Well here
15.05.2004, 09:12
Do not cry, Hrjushkiiiin... (((svininku... sportiiish.. (((... Kaaneshna, good! You simply have not got used, there all spiteful and unsatisfied, at bobrova-that. And we tut-dushevno-pacified!))

16.05.2004, 17:35
Hrjunushka!! So you rich!! It is not necessary zelenki, give a new fur coat. The darling, the muzzle has almost begun to live already, all I burn from impatience.