Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The doctor, you one of these days have positively responded about method Sajkova....

14.05.2004, 15:17
Hello. The doctor, you one of these days have positively responded about method Sajkova. And if my situation is complicated by depression in occasion of a birth of the sick child and connected with her, excuse, zhorom, this method can help or assist?

Tolokonin A.O.
15.05.2004, 07:27
Dear lena!
I have positively responded about a method emotsionalno-a stressful psychotherapy. But also I to you recommended to visit or attend the psychotherapist with the purpose of an individual session. At emots-st-psihot. Group job (most likely so at doctor Sajkova and occurs or happens) is possible or probable. You have precisely named the reason of yours "zhora", hence it is necessary for you all over again will address for individual reception to the psychotherapist (any), and then to fix a cycle at Sajkova if it to be necessary.