Просмотр полной версии : I wish to help or assist the brother. At it or him depression. It proceeds about 3 years....

03.05.2004, 17:53
I wish to help or assist the brother. At it or him depression. It proceeds about 3 years. The reason for that - strong stresses. Loss of the father, the close friend, strong nervous overloads on the service, ended compelled or forced, not at the will, dismissal, disappointment in home life, and, in addition, deterioration of a physical status: heart, pressure, vision, a backbone.
The mood - mrachno-pessimistic, unwillingness with anybody to communicate and something to be engaged, at night a sleeplessness. I any more do not speak about medicines, I do not know as myself a message. He is very lonely.

Bobrov A.E.
04.05.2004, 22:31
First of all the guy should be consulted at the expert. If it is necessary, it is necessary to begin therapy by antidepressants or a psychotherapy.