Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! It is glad you to welcome! All history has begun in 1998 Panic...

01.05.2004, 11:17
The doctor! It is glad you to welcome!
All history has begun in 1998 Panic attacks in the underground, transport ground, amplified in the street during dark time of day, pavor of excision for the house, also attacks PA in the house. In addition " that in a throat ", palpitation, a sweating (drips from arms or hand), "hurts" the heart, wandering pains, a constipation, the suppressed mood, a depersonalisation. Have started to treat: all preparations and not pripomnju-Grandaxinum, tranksen, paksil and so forth, etc. the Scheme or Plan always was one and tazhe: I drank tablets polgoda-8 months then year in the relative consent and calmness, then came uhudshenie-went to the doctor, to me registered tablets + hypnosis + visiting of the psychotherapist and on new: polgoda-8 months tabletki-year of a life without PA or rare or infrequent PA (once a month at stress) and again deterioration. The next stage has now begun: for today I in drink Anafranil in a dosage 1/2 tab. 25 mg 3 times a day. Also I am going to (at the slightest opportunity to go in underground) to visit or attend the psychologist. At present my status has improved, but the status of weariness in the mornings remains, in a stuffy room PA on me leans, where that to go is far one I cannot, PA I supervise hardly. However, important, depression has left. To me now 25 years. On character I the person not disputed, not resolute. Has come to me PA: I try to consult with her: correctly I breathe, I distract, I do or make exercises on d-ku Bobrovu " see ", but I am strongly exhausted for a day from prosecutions PA and chronic weariness. But I continue to go on job in a long journey by a taxi or ground transport. Excuse for the long story! I here about what wished to learn or find out: really PA and will not leave me alone. I so wished to give birth to the child but then will have tablets to throw. I understand, that it is necessary to work above myself, to not give in. Also I dare to assure, I do or make it. Many doctors approve or confirm, that PA it is necessary for people, that privlech attention or for what. Can you know doctors who work with PA? And, if it is possible or probable, whether tell about Anafranile-a good preparation, whether it is possible to accept it or him longly and whether a small dose?, t. To. To instructions it is written, that appreciable improvement comes in a week, and I drink a month and PA me still finally have not left or abandoned. For Anafranile it is difficult to wake up and a head hardly serious all the day long.

01.05.2004, 23:28
Hello, X!
PA with an agoraphobia or without it or her, young men is more often suffer.
Statements of some doctors that are PA necessary to the some for attraction of attention to itself, are partly correct, but it concerns or touches a small number of cases. Then speak not about PA, and about a conversion hysterical neurosis. Such patients have problems which they not in a status to resolve. Somatic conversion signs are their symbols vytesnenyh in a subconscious mind and unresolved problems.
In these cases the most effective is treatment by a psychoanalysis.
In your case as it seems to me, it is not necessary to speak about a conversion neurosis. Why I so think?
In cases of conversion, patients guess the reason of their sufferings, other question, that they do not put the signs in communication or connection with a problem and often, at a subconscious level, oppose to reception of medicines. And medicines, in cases of conversion frustration, it is absolute or are poorly effective.
In your case, most likely, it is possible to assume disturbances nejrotransmissii and, in prevuju turn, serotoninovoj.
Both paroksetin (paksil) and klomipramin (anafranil) influence positively a level of a serotonin and eliminate or erase;remove or soften attacks PA and signs, soputstvujushej with it or him, agoraphobias.
You write, that after reception of these preparations, your status improves also remission keeps during one year.
Then, after the termination or discontinuance of reception of these antidepressants, signs come back also you are compelled or forced to begin their reception again.
All it testifies in favour of serotoninovoj bases of your disease.
Probably, that tactics of reception paksila at you was a little erroneous. After achievement of medicamental remission, the optimum dosage paroksetina should be accepted during 8 12 months, and then depression of a daily dosage each 3 4 weeks begins very gradual, under observation of the doctor. The maintenance dose, from 5 up to 10 mg paroksetina in day, can be accepted rather long time.
In case of an accompanying agoraphobia, it is necessary to spend exposition therapy in vivo (confrontation with strah-causing situations and overcoming of pavor).
Without an accompanying psychotherapy, more often, behavioural, reception of one medicines not so is optimum.
I work very successfully in this area. I use the new form of behavioural therapy, virtual reality exposure therapy - VRET).
As to anafranila, he is effective at treatment PA. But, in comparison with paroksetinom, it or he has more than by-effects.
The optimum dosage anafranila is defined or determined by balance between positive influence on pavors and a degree of an expression of by-effects.

You have programs!
03.05.2004, 09:22
Which - ask it or her http: // larina. by. ru/

You have programs!
03.05.2004, 17:27
Which - ask it or her http: // larina. by. ru/

04.05.2004, 13:34
Thanks, the doctor, for the detailed information. Where you territorially conduct reception and how to you it is possible to enter the name?