Просмотр полной версии : Headache

30.03.2004, 02:23
At me I do not know constant headaches, which reason.
It was checked in an out-patient department, handed over
Analyses, but problems any it was revealed not.
I have husband, relatives, with it or this
All by way of.
After strong headaches I fall asleep also to me to be removed or be taken off
Very terrible dreams, nightmares. One of such dreams I would like
To you to tell:
" To me dreams, that I am in the apartment with the
The husband and the father, everyone is engaged in the affairs.
I have brought from kitchen or cuisine a basin with muddy water and therefrom in the same
The moment the certain essence of green color similar on has jumped out
The lizard. I have felt strong alarm. Suddenly about a window
The essence more more largly, than previous has started to appear.
It has started to be transformed, acquire a wool and horns.
I at once had an idea is a devil.
I do not know whence, but at me in arms or hand have appeared ancient
The cold steel in vvide an axe with two acute edges on each side and pikoj on the extremity or end, all it fastened on a long wooden stick. With this weapon I have started to approach on it
merzskoe an essence. It has started to hiss and publish any sounds, it has understood, that he is threatened with danger.
And here then it has started to change the appearance and appeared before me in vvide my relatives, probably hoping
That at me the arm or hand on it or him will not rise.
But I have been assured, what is it intrigues of a devil and consequently did not doubt - need to be destroyed it or him!
Having taken more strong in arms or hand the ancient weapon and with determination to protect the house, I began to prick and cut this or thus devil
Essence. To me it was very terrible. To my surprise it has begun
To retire to a door and it is has left or is cunning my house. I at last that
Has taken breath...
At a door the call was distributed. I have looked or seen in an eye sight and have seen,
That about a door many people unfamiliar to me were going to,
But among them I have learned or have found out also the neighbours. They asked to open it or him a door and spoke, that to me wish to communicate
Reporters who there and then stood. I have responded through a door,
That I wish to see nobody. I have thought, that they heard hum
In my apartment, and can be and saw, how hardly
Being on the lam, from my house the devil escaped. "

What can mean it?
Can you can something advise?

30.03.2004, 14:24
I ask to send me repetitions of the given inspections which you have passed or have taken place also results of analyses, it is better on e-mail.
Tell or Say, as when at you headaches have begun, you connect or bind their beginning with what nibud?
Describe character of headaches - where exactly hurts, as hurts, when hurts is more often, as begins and as the headache comes to an end. What do you accept from medicines in general and from a headache, in particular? How much or As far as it helps or assists?

If you have an opportunity to pass or take place at me internal konultatsiju it could simplify the decision of your problem.