Просмотр полной версии : ZPPP at mum

28.04.2006, 13:22
Hello, the doctor. Later 2 after sorts or labors I have decided to treat erosion. As a result of the taken biopsy have been revealed a virus of herpes and papilomovirus (visually attributes are not present and I do not feel). During pregnancy all analyses were in norm or rate.
1) whether these infections Could be passed the child during sorts or labors if were and during pregnancy and what can be for the child in the future?
2) whether It is necessary to investigate or research the child on these infections for their revealing and to treat for them?:confused:

26.05.2006, 19:19
Be passed certainly could, but if they from your words were not!? Whence it or him to undertake then.
All lesions of these viruses - if they what that in the image also have got in an organism to the child already have proved!!
Without clinical displays of anything to treat it is not necessary!!!!