Просмотр полной версии : Dioxydinum at children do not apply?!

24.03.2005, 13:54
Good afternoon! To the son 2, 2, on the big finger of the left leg or foot, the internal angle for excision of a part vrosshego a fingernail in the summer has been operated. When the fingernail has grown to the former patient meta - the inflammation has again begun. The surgeon recommended treatment: trays or basins with potassium permanganate, obraboka peroxide, a strong solution of potassium permanganate to smear all fingernail and the inflamed place, then a bandage with Dioxydinum of 1 %. Treatment in pritsipe has helped or assisted, oboshlosbez operations. But later 2 months again an inflammation. Here I wish to treat again under the same scheme or plan. BUT! Has read through that Dioxydinum at children do not apply! Than it is possible to replace it or him? The surgeon while is absent. While I do or make bandages with hlorgeksidinom. What your references will be? Again to delete a fingernail it would not be desirable. And in all city treat only excision, t. e. Itself nail to a box do not correct or adjust. Help or assist advice or council please!

28.03.2005, 13:56
It is necessary will address to other surgeon