Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my girl 3 months and week. Exactly in three months she has begun...

29.08.2004, 14:21
Hello! To my girl 3 months and week. Exactly in three months she has started to overturn on a stomach or belly. And now in the whole days only on itself also lays and sleeps. I read, that the reason of sudden children's mors usually happens a dream on a stomach or belly up to 6 ti months. Whether it is necessary to me to overturn violently it or her on a back in time a dream? And more one question. I have ceased to swaddle it or her in a week after a maternity home. Recently she has started to suck constantly fingers and even when she already almost falls asleep can wake up from the arms or hand. How with it or this botorsja? Personally I for that the child to not limit. I think, that no trouble that she sucks fingers (in fact not constantly and when falls asleep, for example) I do not see. And the husband nastaivat, it is what is it very harmful to the child and advises to swaddle. Can eat other methods to disaccustom baby to pull arms or hand in a mouth? I would be very grateful to you for advice or council:)

30.08.2004, 17:26
Not otuchivajte - at your girl the period when she will start all to drag in a mouth including fingers has begun. It detki so is studied or investigated with various subjects. The suction of fingers to stop approximately in 3 weeks. We through it too have passed or have taken place. Now to us 5 months - fingers we suck very seldom, but any new thing - it is indispensable in a mouth. And in occasion of a dream on a stomach or belly - if pillows are not present, nothing to happen, because choke detki, as a rule, was absorbed. And without a pillow to be absorbed slozhnovato. Especially some pediatrists consider or count what to sleep on a back even more harmfully as it is possible to choke at a regurgitation. Success:)

31.08.2004, 22:55
Nata, thanks for the answer. I shall allow the husband to esteem:))) That did not think, that I am itself have thought up.

01.09.2004, 11:03
Nata, esteem d-ra Spock. At you the charming child, and about a sudden nursery measure to think forget!

01.09.2004, 18:32
About a back, you are wrong, Nata. It is the most safe pose during a dream, it is necessary to create only a small angle of an inclination in krovatke (remember how in a maternity home in these transparent crables? Absolutely newborn it is undesirable to sleep on a stomach or belly and when starts to overturn, it is not so terrible. But now all over the world do not recommend to sleep on a stomach or belly 3 - 4 months. Not I have thought up it. These are references the CART. And that the mattress was rigid.

02.09.2004, 02:41
Girls, thanks for advice or councils. Ljalja, and about Spock I heard, what it or he had problems with the son? There can not be it result of education?
I while went the pregnant woman I booze books and magazines have read through about education, etc. Not it is possible to agree with all.... For example, in all our literature (on which else my mum brought up me) it is written about a delivery on hours and hard pelenanie, and more about that if the child cries, and he dry and not hungry it or he should be left that he pokapriznichal (by the way at Spock I too something similar saw). I with it or this radically do not agree. Though my mum tried to inspire me, that they earlier correctly brought up us, and now all not so...:)
Can it is necessary trust the heart more? Though it is not known to what will result or bring.... So it would be desirable to make all correctly - vyrostit the PERSON!:)))

02.09.2004, 05:13
Evgenie, you the miracle is simple:) Certainly it is necessary to trust the heart. We were brought up often babaushki and great-grandmothers (that mother could save a workplace, has strained was with it or this), at them with even more obsolete views on education. It in books write, and in modern magazines propagandize since a birth in an overalls, free feeding and it is more to communicate with the kid. Same the nature. What for to push the child into a diaper, to him it is close (though it is pleasant to the some) and when they are hurted with a tummy they tighten a leg or pinch to a stomach or belly, it helps or assists them. And how it to make, if extremities are held down? My local pediatrist when has come and has heard, that I malyshka eats in 5 months age still in 1.5 hours was in a shock and has told or said, that I shall spoil to the child a stomach. Now to her 1.1 year and till now I feed as 1-15. Hour (she climbs under koftochku and asks besides 3 h a single normal delivery) and till now has not spoiled. It is an admixture it is impossible so often, and a breast please. I do not know, Evgenie, than you feed the kid (here as it will turn out), but I wish, that your kid grew zdorovenkim and pretty. Trust intuitions more. The child needs dialogue and contact for harmonious development of the person and a becoming of emotional sphere.

02.09.2004, 16:52
Listen, and I here read, that doctor Spock at all did not have children!!! Who knows, it is the truth?

03.09.2004, 18:59
Therefore he also gave such advice or councils. On chuzhih-that is possible eksperimetirovat as much as necessary?!

04.09.2004, 19:24
I too heard, that all 4 children at nego-receptions.

05.09.2004, 11:58
It is possible to argue as is wished about d-re Spock, but he does not have alternative in pleasant and correct education of the child. A method new full it is full, but to him is not present peer. Little girls, it is possible to re-read all and to choose that approaches or suits particularly to you. The main thing that our children were healthy, liked, happy!

06.09.2004, 11:45
Ljalja and why you consider or count a method of doctor Spock it is unique correct and uncontested? kak-that very much on marksizm-the leninism brushes away it. And than it he is pleasant? To listen, how your child because doctor Spock has told or said overstrains, what no trouble and the child develops lungs?

07.09.2004, 08:25
Uv. Red! I have grown up three children on Spock, is infinitely grateful to him. Now I the young grandmother, believe, many techniques have studied or investigated, for us he approaches or suits! And you read not closely or attentively? Return and prochtite not first two words, and all. I write, that to that approaches or suits, and priemlimo if only our children, grandsons, nephews were joyful........

07.09.2004, 13:01
To my daughter too 3 mesjatsaju Under the reference of familiar pediatrists she sleeps on a stomach or belly almost since the birth (from an extract from a maternity home). To leave it or her to sleep on a back I am afraid, t. To. The child can podavtsja at a regurgitation. Few times she zakashlivalas choking srygnutym, it is good, that I was series. Concerning Spock, I at all do not like the theory that the child needs to allow to be shouted. At me nerves will not sustain. I like book Syorzov. All of them taki have grown up 8 children, I think to their experience it is possible to trust.

07.09.2004, 16:15
Yes, I too do not agree that let the child overstrains, and we with the stone face shall bring up it or him. Mine Mashka, for example, in general it is simple so does not cry. If at it or her that's all right - employment or occupation to itself lays itself finds. But if cries, then something serious. I tried to leave to cry, but have quickly understood, that there is nothing to lead up the child to a hysterics.

09.09.2004, 07:57
Dear mums and grandmothers, puts, really everyone brings up the child by that technique which is pleasant to him and approaches or suits. At all all individually. And if at the Dyne the child safely slept on a stomach or belly we on a stomach or belly some times has not choked nearly. Simply in a somnolence turned a head and utykalas it is direct the face in a mattress, then coughed and woke up. After that I even when she have learned to overturn, jumped up at night, shifted from a stomach or belly on a back, yet have not understood, that she already in a status itself to turn, as she would like. But if to judge according to after control group of children put to bed on a back or sideways (it is even better so precisely will not choke, buy or purchase sliper and all business or affairs) during kntrolnogo time, the children's mortality has decreased on 70 %!!!! Do or Make conclusions.