Просмотр полной версии : Than to treat molluscum contagiosum?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At my daughter (2,5 years) have appeared not clear prishchichki which do not pass or take place some months. I descended or went to the pediatrist, the doctor have defined or determined, what is it molluscum contagiosum. Has told or said, that they can be frozen or cut off, but as the child small there is no necessity it to do or make now. Can to pass or take place also Later.

My question: whether there are any creams or spets a pencil (in the USA or in the former Union) or something or something else which can be applied nakozhno? Though somehow to struggle with this misfortune, to not sit and to not indulge in vain hopes....


dr. Ira
01.09.2004, 19:30
It is not necessary to do or make and cauterize anything. This virus disease, passes or takes place itself, the truth, is very long (happens and about one year). Except for cosmetic, any other problems does not cause or cause.

The most correct is *quot; to sit and ?naOy*quot;. All will pass or take place, I assure you.

Tanya G
01.09.2004, 19:30
Generally, basically tactics following: the molluscum leaves *quot; oUnao??oa??N?*quot;, and then it is processed shaved. Greens or an iodine. Only to do or make it it is better to the doctor.

And where rashes settle down?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Generally, basically tactics following: the molluscum leaves *quot; oUnao??oa??N?*quot;, and then it is processed shaved. Greens or an iodine. Only to do or make it it is better to the doctor.

And where rashes settle down?

pochitajte-http: // author.emedicine.com/derm/topic270.htm*section~treatment


01.09.2004, 19:30
Than I can stop duplication of this bjaki? For a week there were 2 more new features (all on arms or hand and legs or foots). To the Child only 2,5 years and what are on arms or hand, everyone are peerly touched and made multiple copies...

dr. Ira
01.09.2004, 19:30
Than I can stop duplication of this bjaki? For a week there were 2 more new features (all on arms or hand and legs or foots). To the Child only 2,5 years and what are on arms or hand, everyone are peerly touched and made multiple copies...

It is not necessary to do or make anything! Well suffer! To the child it does not stir or prevent (at such age cosmetic problems yet do not disturb) .cherez ?-to months all will pass or take place.

Certainly, if to you stirs or prevents opinion of neighbours surrounding you and girlfriends..., but it any more to pediatrists...:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
You wish to tell or say, that nothing exists such to stop diffusion moljuska on other parts of a body....

No, I am am excited not especially with opinions of associates. To me ways of excision are known, but I do not consider or count, what is it it is necessary now for the child. They do not disturb. Simply what for them on itself to make multiple copies, if it is possible for something to spread (let even every day and on mnogu time) and to prevent their neoplasms.

I have started them to smear with an iodine, but is not assured, what is it will stop the subsequent duplication.

Something can is still?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Address to the dermatologist. He will give you those references in which you require