Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. I already addressed to you with the problem. My daughter about...

29.08.2004, 22:30
Hello, the doctor. I already addressed to you with the problem. My daughter of very high body height: 162 sm at age 10, 5 years. Parents too high: 180 sm and 203 see By your advice or council we have made a roentgen of brushes of arms or hand. It was found out, that the osteal age corresponds or meets 12 - to the years or summer child. The attending physician has told or said, what is it within the limits of norm or rate and anything to undertake it is not necessary. And I am afraid, that the girl will grow very high (above, than 180 sm). How you consider or count, whether I can as - that to affect or influence it?

Krivskaja L.K.
30.08.2004, 03:20
Hello, Zoe! The girl most likely will be high (genetics, there's nothing to be done). But that the osteal age advances pasportnyj-encourages (means zones of body height began to be closed). Probably, she also will not reach or achieve 180 see Matters, how much or as far as aktivo there is a puberty. The maturing will more quickly come to the end, the there will be a final body height less.