Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me the remarkable son incomplete 10 ti years. But periodichesk...

25.08.2004, 15:21
At me the remarkable son incomplete 10 ti years. But periodically (from the earliest destva) we with it or him have problems as at home, and at school (earlier - in d/to a garden): starts to say lies, does not carry out elementary assignments or orders and demands, it is lifted up to schoolmates and children or guys in a court yard, does not perceive the remark of teachers, snaps, becomes very harmful, disseminated or absent-minded and badly studies. As a result I do not have not enough patience on all its or his this trick, I start to be broken, shout at it or him, business at times reaches and a belt... Addressed both to psychologists, and in the centers on correction of behaviour, but everywhere speak the same: at you absolutely normal child normally developed on age also it is not necessary to something to think out.
But menja-that all the same disturbs it or him in any degree aggressive behaviour.
Prompt, please, that to me to do or make? Can, I in something am guilty, gde-something has missed that, not correctly I behave with it or him...
Yours faithfully, Elena
ELisichka@mail. ru

26.08.2004, 20:39
If the child so conducts itself, tonechno, in family something not that. First of all, very important fairly to answer following questions:
1. You pay attention to its or his problems enough? Not obsessionally?
2. You enough with it or him are tender? In fact as easy as shelling pears to pass from rasping tone on polite, tender.
3. To him enough your heat? Whether CHasto-you embrace it or him, iron on a head, for example?
Whether 4. posledovatelny-you in the actions in relation to it or him;them?
Whether 5. Vidit-your child your aggression in relation to other people? Whether CHasto-in family adults quarrel?
In general, the child absorbs behaviour of parents as a blotter, remember it or this.
Among other things fasten with a belt. Really, while you go to take a belt, your rage does not pass or take place? Or you with yourselves wear its or his all time just in case?:)) I so much time intended to go to take a belt, chto-though razok shlyopnut it or him the son, but did not reach it or him - the rage released or let off. I think, you should like more strongly the son then all will be adjusted.