Просмотр полной версии : The girlfriend one of these days has dragged me on lecture in Tjan-SHi. Known vrach-the pediatrist...

It is lovely
18.08.2004, 11:56
The girlfriend one of these days has dragged me on lecture in Tjan-SHi. Known vrach-the pediatrist (as have presented the lecturer) gave advice or councils, how it is necessary to give BADy Tjan-SHi to newborn children (??!!) since the first days of a life (??!!). CHto-Something is terrible to me such... And your opinion?

The anonym
21.08.2004, 06:20
Now money for all and on all do or make... To that are you surprised???

Bolshakova M.A.
25.08.2004, 05:27
All BADy in Russia are resolved to use from 10 years