Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My four-year-old daughter does not utter many sounds. Such about...

18.08.2004, 06:47
Hello! My four-year-old daughter does not utter many sounds. Such sensation, that she not absolutely correctly hears, that she says (hearing in norm or rate) At it or her adenoides of 3 degrees (read, that adenoides influence reflection of a sound in a skull) have been found out and them will delete in some weeks. Whether there is a hope, what after excision of adenoides the daughter in due course itself will start talking correctly or it will be necessary will address to the logopedist internally? Thanks.

Agashkina O.M.
18.08.2004, 23:18
By experience I can tell or say, that it will be necessary for you to address to the logopedist internally after operation. Success!

19.08.2004, 09:14
At depression of hearing from 30 35 up to 80 Db, speak about not SAFE PHYSICAL HEARING (it defines or determines an ENT in an out-patient department). A degree of depression of sensory acuity from 15 25 Db in honey. Regional establishments to find out very difficultly, t. To. There is no corresponding or meeting equipment, otolaryngologists can survey hearing of the child in incomplete volume, etc., therefore HEARING SOHRANNEN (like). Already at such dropping hearing there are difficulties in perception of many consonants, the unaccented terminations or endings of words already on the most close distance (about an ear), and on distance of 2 m. does not differ more than 1/3 consonants said by a voice of colloquial loudness.
At the child following problems can be marked or celebrated:
Variability of sound replacements; distortion zvukoslogovoj structures or frames of words (the words consisting of sounds of low and average frequency) are more deformed or distorted; the differentiation (distinction) of oppositional groups of sounds (hissing and whistling, firm and soft variants of sounds, sonorous and deaf or indistinct variants of sounds ), a low level of mastering is broken or disturbed by skills of the sound analysis and synthesis; mistakes or errors are expressed at mastering and use of grammatic categories; a low level of development of acoustical attention and memory; speech is inexpressive, monotonous;
So, insignificant depression of hearing arising prior to the beginning of development of speech or in its or his most beginning (from a year till 6 years), leads to the general or common underdevelopment of speech (when it starts to be broken zvukoproiznoshenie, does not develop to the full the lexicon and a grammatical system).
Insignificant depression of hearing arises including at presence of adenoides (among all children with adenoides at 51 % insignificant depression of hearing is noted). And if you, Arthur, have noticed, that the daughter not absolutely correctly hears, does not utter many sounds and thus at it or her adenoides, urgent advice or council: to pass or take place audiologic inspection. It can be made in Moscow in the Center of an audiology and sluhoprotezirovanija (Bakuleva, 18) or in Institute of correctional pedagogics (pogodinskaja, 8). At inspection of hearing use impedansometriju, registration otoakusticheskoj emissions (she will show the hearing is broken or disturbed or not, but the degree of depression does not define or determine), registration caused or called potentsialov/a computer audiometry (defines or determines a degree of depression of hearing) and so forth If you from Moscow can approach or drop in on them describe a problem (an ENT puts safety of hearing, but the logopedist has advised to be surveyed more carefully as my girl ). Consult to them when it is better to spend inspection: before excision of adenoides or after. Why I speak about it or this, because the logopedist, working with the child for whom is available minimal depressions of hearing, does not see results of the job: children have specific difficulties in overcoming defect; process of correction of speech disturbances is slowed down; developed or produced rechedvigatelnye [sound] stereotypes the PHONEMIC PERCEPTION, the developed programs for children with ONR [the general or common underdevelopment of speech] are unstable, raspingly broken or disturbed is acquired not in full and with appreciable difficulties. At awareness on the given problem, the logopedist selects or elects other tactics of job with the child.
Disturbance of acoustical function at adenoides is characterized by instability, and at carrying out of medical actions the hearing can be restored completely, that is very important. But those rechedvigatelnye stereotypes which the child ipolzoval before treatment of adenoides (disturbance zvukoproiznoshenija and difficulties of distinction on hearing of various sounds) at it or him are already generated, and it is necessary "to destroy" or blast" them, that without the specialized help of the logopedist it is impossible. Therefore EMPLOYMENT or OCCUPATIONS With the LOGOPEDIST will be necessary.