Просмотр полной версии : Zdr.! To my grand daughter 1, 5 months were a hematencephalon (diffuzionnoe)...

17.08.2004, 12:28
Zdr.! To my grand daughter 1, 5 months were a hematencephalon (diffuzionnoe) after repeated US only relicts and illness or disease is those that at a strain a little trjasutsja handles and legs or pinches
Have attributed for the beginning Benzonalum

And can PAKS is better or that else gomeopatichnoe

Nogovitsyn V.J.
19.08.2004, 01:51
Nothing is clear from your report. Make an extract of a map (or ask the doctor) then it will be possible though for something to discuss. And to you here nobody will appoint or nominate treatments, it is not done or made in absentia.