Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My child was born with the diagnosis a hypoxia and cerebral razdr...

15.08.2004, 21:11
Hello! My child was born with the diagnosis a hypoxia and cerebral irritability. In three years, presumably from a fright, has started to stammer. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment by preparations "Traumel" and "nervoheel". Under the reference of the doctor the child in years or summer months was taken out on the sea. Shifts are not present aside improvement. sejchvas to the child of 6 years. Whether prompt consultation on treatment of the given disease is possible or probable? How it is possible to cure this illness?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
16.08.2004, 08:55
Correspondence - is not present. Internally to the neurologist, the psychologist, the logopedist. Unitary neither consultation, nor a course of any treatment in any way will not work.