Просмотр полной версии : To my daughter 6 letju In 3 years have put episindrom. Since then we accept f...

07.08.2004, 11:33
To my daughter 6 letju In 3 years have put episindrom. Since then we accept Finlepsinum, Pantogamum (under the scheme or plan), glitsin, nervohel. Cramps are not present more. But povedenie-kapriznost, sometimes as though a demon vsiljaetsja, in sadike complain that does not obey, a night diuresis, is inattentive, happens even is aggressive. Neither arrangements, nor punishments do not help or assist. I have divorced from the husband when to her was 1, 5 years and now I bring up its or her one. There can be a problem vetom?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
08.08.2004, 18:10
Another can influence both that, and, depending on the form of an epilepsy (episindrom - not the diagnosis!). With an epilepsy it is necessary though time to seem to patients to the psychologist (and it is better to pass or take place neuropsychological inspection).