Просмотр полной версии : Good evening! Tell or Say, it is how much right the pediatrist, temporarily replacing ours at...

07.08.2004, 23:12
Good evening!
Tell or Say, it is how much right the pediatrist, temporarily replacing our local (which "knows" the son), declaring, that consultation of the neurologist is necessary for the child, for he badly holds a head (looked laying) and a fontanel small. To the kid 3, 5 months, a head holds itself (the beginnings though and uncertainly, in general very much early, in the age of nearby 3 weeks), tries to creep already if manages to be seized by arms or hand from the first rises and has a seat, laying on a tummy well does or makes "swallow" and holds it or her. Massage house is done or made every day and necessarily before bathing. Falls asleep itself in krovatke, it is quiet enough for the age, but at a birth there was a small hypertonus (a hydramnion and labors for 10 days earlier). Have made a course of massage in 1, 5 months. The tremor has passed or has taken place. Thanks!

Albanova V.I.
08.08.2004, 04:27
Dear Tatyana! You have addressed to the wrong address.