Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor! To a daughter 8 months Still are not present a teeth! There are children, at which they in general n...

04.08.2004, 07:41
Uv. The doctor! To a daughter 8 months Still are not present a teeth! There are children at whom they do not appear at all?

04.08.2004, 23:50
It is not necessary to worry. Ask the wife and close relatives at what age there was teeth at them and at you. At children usually a teeth appear later, than at parents. Primer-at the daughter of my girlfriend a teeth has gone or sends " a continuous stream " since year and month. But if somnevaites, address to ortodontu in a nursery stamatologicheskoj to an out-patient department.

05.08.2004, 20:23
Forgive or Excuse, Tata, you are a doctor? If is not present, Uv. The doctor you could not respond?