Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I am very concerned by behaviour of a daughter (1 year 11 months). CHetver...

26.07.2004, 03:09
Hello. I am very concerned by behaviour of a daughter (1 year 11 months). The fourth night successively - midnight awful hysterics, cries, kicks, it is not given on arms or hand, beats itself on legs or foots: " I do not want a leg or pinch, it is not necessary legs or pinches! Legs or pinches hurt! ", then - " I do not want the handle " and t. The item Cries up to posinenija labiums. Koe-as calms down or is abirritated through pair hours, falls asleep, and then through an hour - again the same. In the morning and in the afternoon - all like is normal, on what does not complain, only whimsical became, does or makes all in defiance. I do not know, to itself to address, and what is it in general - mental or not...

The anonym
29.07.2004, 05:23
You know at me something on similarity, only my kid is not able to speak and I cannot understand that with it or him, but he too prosypaetsja at night in a hysterics and in the afternoon whimsical, we put on with a hysterics and if something we do not give falls on a floor and shouts. I simply do not know what to do or make, and the child does not sleep also we were already forced.

30.07.2004, 15:08
Can, at the child of a cramp? I remember from the childhood, it was sick, but I did not know, what words to describe. Already at adult age identified, that this or thus such was.