Просмотр полной версии : Mine polechke 7, 5 months One of these days the beginnings plentifully to belch or it is a vomiting - I n...

27.07.2004, 06:15
Mine polechke 7, 5 months One of these days the beginnings plentifully to belch or it is a vomiting - I shall not understand. Behaviour usual. Recently have passed or have taken place sopli (nephews have infected). Meal - as always, anything new. Belchs, when overturns on a tummy or when I sit down it or her on knees to myself (itself does not sit), but it is not constant, and sometimes. It can that we not the thinnest and to us put gipertenzionnyj a syndrome but then regurgitations were not and now this diagnosis have removed or have taken off - on NSG easy or light;mild expansion MP-of a cleft or rima and subarohnoidalnogo spaces, a pseudocyst (which as have told or said " it was formed, therefore it or her it was not visible, but she small with spich. A head, a blood flow good - all will pass or take place ") Our parameters: 52 sm 2700 g were born; 7 months - 71 sm, 10 kg. Two have just got out bottom odnerki 4.07 and 15.07 - on the second was strong crying, bad mood, "scabies" dental and sljuni. Like all. Thanks for the answer.

Bolshakova M.A.
27.07.2004, 23:52
It is difficult to respond to your question in absentia. Seem to the pediatrist, probably, consultation, the neuropathologist is required