Просмотр полной версии : Name simtomy sotrisenija a brain of the baby...

The novel
22.07.2004, 08:12
Name simtomy sotrisenija a brain of the baby

23.07.2004, 18:03
After padenija/impact an instant vomiting.

The anonym
24.07.2004, 04:08
At easy or light;mild concussion of a vomiting it is not observed, but on the kid it will be visible: trouble, insomnia, refusal of a breast.

The anonym
25.07.2004, 20:18
Kasaemo thoracal children a question complex or difficult. Only by a vomiting to be guided it is not necessary.
If really the child has transferred or carried sereznuju travmatizatsiju it is necessary to show it or him nejrohirurgu/to the traumatologist.
Careful observation during t r e h - p I t and day after a trauma: changes of behaviour of the kid - a sleepiness, a flaccidity or, on the contrary, excitability and morbid cry, problems with feeding or in general something unusual in behaviour or in appearance - an occasion for the urgent reference or manipulation to the expert.

25.07.2004, 22:54
You at all do not represent yourselves, what is this the diagnosis! For the sake of the child, do not regret 1000 r, make MRT!!!