Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, Vasily Jurevich! I live in KAzahstane, in small city, no...

17.07.2004, 09:30
Good afternoon, Vasily Jurevich!
I live in KAzahstane, in small city, was not present either normal pediatrists, or neuropathologists.
Therefore would like to receive your advice or council.
To my kid 2, 5 months, in 1 month the neuropathologist has diagnosed gipertenzionnyj a syndrome and has sent on US NSG. On US the doctor has told or said, that that's all right only the left vascular plexus 0, 9 on a background right 0, 8 it is a little increased, but it as she said consequences of sorts or labors.
And the neuropathologist on a background of it or this US has confirmed the diagnosis - gipert. The syndrome also has written out a heap of medicines - Diacarbum, Asparkam, Glitsin, provit, Cavintonum.
Course of treatment 1 month.
I have read through summaries to these medicines, I in a shock.
Unless it is possible to give 2 to the monthly child such preparations? For my part complaints any are not present, the child eats, sleeps, plays. It is mobile, inquisitive, emotional. If it is possible, comment, please, on the given diagnosis what consequences can be, whether and the main thing it is necessary to stuff the child with medicines.
In advance I thank.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
18.07.2004, 20:43
On NSG the diagnosis is not put also treatment not appointed or nominated.