Просмотр полной версии : To my son 2 9 months in August with 15 19 at us was temperature 39, 5...

14.07.2004, 04:59
To my son 2 9 months in August with 15 19 at us was temperature 39, 5 39, 9 at her the child complained of bad vision, spoke that nothing videt (for palchikom and a toy spent before eyes did not watch or keep up) whether now on a question well he sees responds that sees all.
As at temperature there was a small twitching extremities (not cramps), up to 1 there was diagnosis PEP with gidrotsefalnym a syndrome. Whether now the pediatrist to us has registered fenoborbital it is necessary to give this preparation., on consultation of the oculist after temperature we beat the doctor has told or said that any potologii does not see. THANKS!!!!!!

Nogovitsyn V.J.
15.07.2004, 14:53
At what here the pediatrist? Not its or his this business, the neurologist should show and make an electroencephalogram.

15.07.2004, 18:53
Thanks for advice or council, only here ours uchchastkovyj the neurologist has sent us to pediatoru from here and references pediatora in occasion of fenoborbitala. Could not advise you where to make elektroentsefologrammu.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
17.07.2004, 06:32
DKNP, 202 7009. Enter the name and show to the neurologist there. Only for muscovites.