Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son 1 month. At visiting the neuropathologist the doctor has registered...

12.07.2004, 11:51
Hello! To my son 1 month. At visiting the neuropathologist the doctor has registered tsinarizin, having told or said, that at the child any muscles are weakened or easied, and others perenaprjazhenny. Also has appointed or nominated massage. After purchase tsinarizina in a drugstore in the summary we have read through, that tsinarizin protivopakan newborns. And what for tagda registered? How to be?

Bagautdinova I.V.
12.07.2004, 21:59
1 mesjats-it already neperiod novorozhdennosti. A question on purpose or appointment and indications to purpose or appointment of Cinnarizinum - to the wrong address. It is necessary to see a status of the child to solve the problem on therapy. My opinion, that at absence of the expressed disturbances from nervous system, in first two months except for massage and medical baths to the child to appoint or nominate nothing