Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstujte once again, Nogovitsyn Century! At beditelnaja the request to you razobrat...

05.07.2004, 16:57
Zdravstujte once again, Nogovitsyn Century! At beditelnaja the request to you to understand one question. We with a daughter lay in a day time hospital " Mother and the child ", there lay mnoggie even healthy and almost healthy detki to pass or take place a course of massage, to make an electrophoresis or paraffin on legs or pinches, and also if will appoint or nominate also medicine to spend on drink or pierce. At dochurki at sorts or labors the facial nerve has been damaged or injured, has remained poluptoz. To Her have appointed or nominated KARTEKSIN in popku. Whether it is harmful to her. The neurologist has explained the given purpose or appointment by that at a daughter after sorts or labors (ek. kes.) there was a diagnosis perinatalnaja an encephalopathy. And also that ostensibly my daughter says few words (all pribl. 10, and her 1, 6 year.) . How the encephalopathy right after sorts or labors is terrible perinatalnaja? I know, that this diagnosis should be put by the doctor only in a year, and at us it or him have put only right after sorts or labors, and then this diagnosis did not appear anywhere and by neuropathologists was not said, t. e. He has disappeared. Whether harmfully to prick to her KARTEKSIN? And also to drink 1/4 neostigmine methylsulfates in the mornings?
Yours faithfully

Nogovitsyn V.J.
07.07.2004, 09:24
Not harmfully. It you in " Mother and the child " on Mozhajke? There for their prices it is possible to ask the doctor about what want, though see you in the evening.