Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. Situation following. My wife nurses a daughter. The day before yesterday...

29.06.2004, 04:49
Good afternoon.
Situation following.
My wife nurses a daughter. The day before yesterday has fallen down with a funicular angina in the evening. Yesterday doctors
Have registered to her any tablets and have told or said, that if in 3 days, t. e. Up to 26.04 temperature will not decrease (and she
zashkalivaet for 38, 5) it will be necessary to prick antibiotics - "Amoksiklav". For the period of treatment by an antibiotic
To feed the girl with thoracal milk it is impossible.
There is an ordinary opinion, that if for some days to not feed grudbju the child from it or her will not take then.
And will grow on iskustvennom a delivery ((.
1. What to do or make?
2. It is how much dangerous to nurse, when koljat antibiotics.
In advance I thank for answers.

Bagautdinova I.V.
29.06.2004, 14:38
1. Not in all cases after a break in thoracal feeding children refuse a breast (try to replace with tasteless admixtures on the basis of gidrolizatov-pregestemil, nutramigen)
2. At feeding the child by a breast during reception by mother of antibiotics probably development in the child of allergic reaction, narueshnija microfloras of an intestine.
3. It is possible to try or taste for treatment of mum ispolzvat local antibiotiki-bioparks, geksoral