Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor. To my son 5, 5 years. The diagnosis - a delay of speech development. Sdel...

25.06.2004, 23:43
Uv. The doctor. To my son 5, 5 years. The diagnosis - a delay of speech development. Have made a nuclear magnetic resonance of a brain, all without pathologies. On an echoencephalogram the augmentation of intracranial pressure - +40 % is noted, shift of median structures or frames is not present, expansion of ventricles is not present. The doctor has appointed or nominated: Diacarbum 1 tab in day, asparkam 1 tablet 2 times day, Cavintonum 1/2 tab 2 times day, an electrophoresis of a cervical department with eufilinom, solkaseril 10 nyxes, magne 6 5 ml 2 times a day. Whether prompt such quantity or amount of preparations is proved? Your opinion, whether it is necessary to spend therapy at such parameters? Yes, synulja still accepts Encephabolum 1/2 tab 2 times a day (weight rebyonka-26, 5 kg) whether the dose Is sufficient? Can you would offer something or something else. And if it is not difficult, whether that respond you applied in the practice tserebrokurin? In advance thanks

Nogovitsyn V.J.
27.06.2004, 22:24
Nobody has proved, that medicines as a whole and such nyxes in particular it is possible "to urge on" speech development (see for example here: http: // www. antibiotic. ru/books/pd/16. shtml to clean or remove blanks). Personally treatment seems to me unjustified. The child should be engaged activly with psychologists and logopedists. Here full analogy to muscles, will work - will become stronger and grow. Pytochnye nyxes too, certainly, can result or bring in something, but here THAT he after that will tell or say? TSerebrokurin did not apply and did not hear. By the name, next "clone" of Cerebrolysinum?