Просмотр полной версии : The child 3, 5 years one month ago has transferred or carried an obstructive bronchitis (m/a debut and...

Julia, Ekaterinburg
17.06.2004, 01:44
The child 3, 5 years one month ago has transferred or carried an obstructive bronchitis (m/a debut an asthma). On a background of weak cold. Later month on a background of cold more feasibly all has repeated, but is stronger (the expressed dyspnea or short wind). Have removed or have taken off berodualom. The third week (!) it is accepted gedeliks. The status has improved, in legih is pure or clean, but to name the child healthy nelz, t. To podkashlivaet, a rhinitis, a throat inflamed, temperatures both time was not. For the past three years allergichna there was no on what, but now a high (9) eosinophilia in a blood, was not earlier. What to undertake for statement of the diagnosis, purpose or appointment of adequate treatment? More all would not be desirable invalidizirovat the child an infinite tremor for its or her health, but to miss serious signs too it would not be desirable.

17.06.2004, 04:35
At mine the little son precisely such almost same history only in more grusnom a kind we have not simply transferred or carried an obstructive bronchitis, we laid in reanimation under an oxygen mask, (by the way 2 9 months) after that drank or saw in current of 10 days Klenbutirol on 1 teaspoon 3 times a day and Teopek on 1/2 tableki for the night, now I to you would advise to have a drink imunomoduljatory, we put interferonovye suppositories of 10 pieces (4 days every day, then 2 in day, 2 in two days, 2 through 3), try to address to the allergist

18.06.2004, 09:31
And still nearly has not forgotten parte to the child nogo with mustard of it or this it is impossible to do or make absolutely and with national medicine pokkuratnee if there is on something one for certain is on what that another is doctors we name a two-dimensional allergy by the way go to one allergist on Small bronnoj the truth our doctor renders paid consultations but we to her are very happy for 2 years of observation at neu at us replacement of improvement not schitataja what that there emergencies. Analyses at them in tsenre it is possible to hand over all for rather moderate payment very operatively work

Krivskaja L.K.
18.06.2004, 21:28
Dear Julia! Probably, this combination of a virus and allergic component. In any case, descend or go to the allergist, hand over analyses (assays) on allergens, will not prevent. If the situation with the complicated respiration also will repeat often, koree everything, it is a question of a manifestation of an asthma (though, formally, the child is still small for similar diagnoses). In this case, you will need treatment in the form of inhalations gomronov, daily. If attacks are rare, it is possible to do without regular gomronalnoj therapy, but in this case be required bronhodeljatatory (type Beroduala), and only when will be pojavljatsja known signs of a dyspnea or short wind. In absentia more serious and exact references I can not give, t. To. It not onlajnovsky a case.