Просмотр полной версии : Hello. My daughter 2 j year is observed at the phthisiatrician. Reaction "mantu" not...

09.06.2004, 22:03
Hello. My daughter 2 j year is observed at the phthisiatrician. Reaction "mantu" is a little bit increased. Pictures of a roentgen pure or clean. On a regular basis to us appoint or nominate medicamental treatment by strong antibiotics. Knowing by-effects I am regular I from this treatment I refuse and I demand to give a direction in another honey. Establishment on consultation. To me refuse in the rasping form not explaining that particularly gives an occasion on treatment. The most widespread objasnenie-at your daughter a microbe, it is necessary to suppress it or him. Prompt where in Sankt-Petersburg it is possible proiti the qualified inspection.

Brejkin D.V.
10.06.2004, 21:55
The question is incorrect. In occasion of what antibiotics (particularly) are appointed or nominated? What "strong" antibiotics? What sort konsultatsuju and on what problems you wish to receive? The centers different happen...

11.06.2004, 11:56
Institute ftiziopulmonologii, the address precisely I do not know, m. Polytechnical - look or see under the directory