Просмотр полной версии : To the boy of 13 years. The diagnosis since a birth - a talipes both stop. Have shown orto...

09.06.2004, 09:56
To the boy of 13 years. The diagnosis since a birth - a talipes both stop. Have shown the orthopedist in three months. Has told or said, that anything especial does not see.
One year ago during school physical examination have diagnosed: a platypodia of 1 2 degrees. A problem that in our city there is no children's orthopedist. Only the surgeon. Has written out massage and LFK, but nothing has told or said about insoles. Whether it is possible to pick up insoles in "Medtehnike", on what to be guided in selection.

Porohnja V.S.
10.06.2004, 04:47
And who has diagnosed a talipes if the orthopedist sees nothing? At me doubt in occasion of a platypodia. Make oil prints stop on a paper and show the surgeon. At a platypodia it is the most important to wear arch supports. Select them on height of the loose leaf that was not sick to go.