Просмотр полной версии : I prochla, that you spetsializiruites and in obl hyperactivity. Ours nevropatolo...

07.06.2004, 18:06
I prochla, that you spetsializiruites and in obl hyperactivity. Our neuropathologist (we live abroad, but the doctor Russian) approves or confirms, what is it a problem cleanly medical and the only thing what it will help or assist Ritalinum? Can at you there is an opinion on this preparation? To the child nearby 6, in general he reasonable, good but if it appears in a status frustratsii-here and begins a syndrome of HECTARES and deficiency of attention. And ahead school. Whether the psychologist can help or assist? Or to risk and feed with its or his Ritalinum? Thanks

Pisarenko N.A.
08.06.2004, 04:52
Not seeing the child, it is impossible to judge its or his status, BUT: it is a lot of reasons in HECTARES, but as a whole it not the diagnosis demanding unequivocally medicamental treatment (usually it is applied in extreme cases, about kot-h at you and speeches do not go). In any case, medicines here go as supporting or maintaining treatment at a psychotherapy. Try or taste 1. To descend or go to the psychologist and 2. To replace the neurologist.