Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, whether it is possible to make to the restless child (4) for the night zveroboj in ka...

05.06.2004, 01:21
Tell or Say, whether it is possible to make to the restless child (4) for the night zveroboj as restful. The child according to the neuropathologist is healthy, but any strong exaltation in the afternoon, not important good or bad, worsens a dream, vyzyvae disturbing or alarming dreams. The doctor speaks, that simply child emotional, is available disbalans sympathetic and parasimpaticheskoj NANOSECOND. I read clause or article about zveroboj, for adults this good agent, and whether it is possible to give it or him to children? Thanks

Nogovitsyn V.J.
06.06.2004, 11:30
Try or Taste, but can strengthen uneasiness. Better Valeriana and Leonurus.