Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please how to learn to speak the child letter R?...

04.06.2004, 08:05
Prompt please how to learn to speak the child letter R?

Agashkina O.M.
04.06.2004, 22:53
Tell to the child as sound R is formed and show in a mirror, stretching a sound:
_ Make tongue "calyx or calicle", press strongly an end of tongue to a palate, make a start, and with force say sound D (a teeth are not closed, the jaw is motionless). The pure or clean finger (it is better to dress a dummy) make fast movements from left to right. To do or make this exercise it is necessary until there will be an independent vibration of an end of tongue. First it will be a rolling sound. After automation of a sound in speech, becomes usual. To be engaged in development or manufacture of vibration of an end of tongue it is better some times in day on 10 15 minutes Let's the child have a rest. Say combinations DR (tongue above) that the child imitated you is more often. Automation: a syllable, a word (with an accent on a syllable, with confluence of consonants, n-r, an ostrich, fires), the offer, the coherent text.