Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Help or assist, please, I very much and very much experience. At my son...

24.05.2004, 10:14
Hello. Help or assist, please, I very much and very much experience. At my son (10 months) within three days the eruption is observed: the red blisters or blebs filled by a liquid. This eruption only on ladoshkah, stupnjah and kolenkah. It is A little more on breeches (under a pampers). At me precisely same 3 blisters or blebs on palms. At other members of family anything is not present. I live abroad, and the local doctor has told or said, what is it can be a virus bacteriemic or bacterial infection and has registered ointment with antibiotics. Whether but I awfully am nervous herpes it? Explain, please, what displays of herpes and whether there can be a red watery eruption herpes?? Thanks huge!

Bolshakova M.A.
24.05.2004, 13:00
It is difficult to tell or say, not seeing. As a rule, gepreticheskie rashes are accompanied by temperature and a febricula. It is possible to spread pair elements Atsiklovirom and to look or see from what more effect from your ointments or from atsiklovira