Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte to the child of 8 months, one month ago on jazychke there was a scurf. The doctor with...

18.05.2004, 18:43
Zdrastvujte to the child of 8 months, one month ago on jazychke there was a scurf. The doctor has told or said, what is it a thrush and has registered to us homeopathic preparations: BORAKS 6, Kalium 6. Unfortunately I have noticed, that mochnitsa have passed on shchechki and the top palate. I strongly worry, as will cope with a thrush. The PUNCHED homeopathy does not help or assist. What can you advise? Unfortunately to the doctor we can not get even a week. In advance thanks.

Radionova L.M.
21.05.2004, 13:38
Zdrastvujte. And you are precisely assured what is it a thrush? If yes, I advise you still to wipe off a mouth Glycerinum, a weak solution of potassium permanganate. All dummies or papillas and a breast (if you feed) to hold in cleanliness. But if in current of week it will not pass or not take place, I advise to hand over the analysis on dizbakterioz and to exclude infections. Success.