Просмотр полной версии : Has bought or purchased the electron thermometer microlife. Check has shown that this thermometer...

19.05.2004, 13:42
Has bought or purchased the electron thermometer microlife. Check has shown that this thermometer display. Temperature on 0.3 0.5 degrees less usual rtetnogo (gauging in podmysh. To a hollow). It osobenost all electron (hardly below the indication) or what??? Yes, before ispolz. Firms AND, a similar situation.

Chernorutskaja E.I.
20.05.2004, 21:56
The principle of action at thermometers different, therefore to complain about them for it it is not necessary. Electron tonometers too have a difference in comparison with usual. pomerejte temperature in a normal status also estimate or appreciate rising concerning it or her.
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