Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Comment, please, on results of analyses On hormones...

12.05.2004, 15:05
Hello! Comment, please, on results of analyses
On hormones of the child 4, 5: 4-190, 3-2, 4
TTG-1, 6/ml, Antibodies to a thyreoglobulin <20/ml.
Norms or Rates for adults of the given laboratory: 4-98/53 158/; 3-1, 8/1, 0 3, 0/; TTG-1, 4/0, 2 3, 4/; antitela-<65

Krivskaja L.K.
13.05.2004, 14:27
Dear Alesya! The received results will not absolutely be coordinated or will not absolutely be agreeed;are not absolutely compounded with each other. I recommend you peresdat analyses in normal laboratory and to look not the general or common fractions of hormones 3 and 4, and free (3 and 4), besides TTG and AT to MF (antibodies to a thyreoglobulin to look it is not necessary). I recommend to address in laboratory of institute of sports (bodies: 261 02 65). It platno, but for quality it is possible to warrant or vouch.