Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor, very much I hope for your help though it is not assured, on and...

08.05.2004, 20:26
Hello, the doctor, very much I hope for your help though it is not assured, whether to the address of. The son (4 years) my husband two weeks of veins at the grandmother, mothers of the husband. The child in itself nervous and weak, and here still a problem. According to the grandmother he "onaniruet" though - to mine in 4 years it is physically simply unreal. Anyway its or his arms or hand all time there, up to one o'clock in the morning does not sleep, shouts at the grandmother, expels it or her from a room. With what it is connected? To itself in general to address? MOTHER of the child will not be engaged in it or this, it is necessary to my husband or me, and I at all do not know, to itself with such problem. I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply also thanks.

Pisarenko N.A.
09.05.2004, 14:53
To the children's psychologist. This quite real behaviour, is connected with neurotic, at least, a status of the child. Possibly, it is caused or called by divorce and other family problems.

10.05.2004, 15:53
Many thanks for such prompt reply.