Просмотр полной версии : To daughter 2 months yesterday were executed. She was born with greater or big crimson to maculae...

05.05.2004, 22:28
To daughter 2 months yesterday were executed. She was born with greater or big crimson maculae between brows, on internal corners of upper eyelids and on a nape. Doctors speak, what is it from mine a hormone and that maculae by 2 months should brighten, and then by a year can disappear. But till now they svetlee did not become. Please, explain, from which garmon and that it is necessary to do or make it to get rid of these maculae. Whether there can be they at malyshki for all life? Whether slows down loktatsija their disappearance or eradication? In advance thanks for the answer.

Albanova V.I.
06.05.2004, 16:41
Maculae can be connected with sorts or labors, they really pass or take place with the years, but a little bit later, than in 2 months. Have patience. And to nurse the child it is necessary.