Просмотр полной версии : At the boy of 7 years on EhoKg the aortal regurgitation 1 items is revealed and is moderate...

02.05.2004, 23:50
At the boy of 7 years on EhoKg the aortal regurgitation 1 items and the moderate dilatation of a left ventricle is revealed. An electrocardiogram: sinusovaja a tachycardia, 114 in minutes Attributes of a hypertrophy of the left departments of heart with diastolichekoj an overload of a left ventricle. Disturbance of intraventricular conduction. Whether the given pathology is serious? Whether it is necessary to limit exercise stresses? Whether it is necessary to apply honey. Preparations? Whether can pass or take place the given changes by itself? What to us will advise?

Tutelman K.M.
05.05.2004, 09:27
Presence of a regurgitation on the aortal valve speaks about the congenital or got heart disease - failures of the aortal valve. Vo-the first it is necessary to try to define or determine the reason of the given changes (the transferred or carried rheumatic carditis, congenital failure AK, bicuspid AK, etc.). Depending on the reason, a degree dilatatsii/hypertrophies of a left ventricle, a degree of an expression of disturbances of a delivery of a cardiac musle it is defined or determined neobhodmost and volume of medicamental therapy. Fiz. A load it is certainly necessary to limit - remission of employment or occupations fiz. Culture at school, exception of employment or occupations in sports sektsijah and t. Item, t. To. All this can lead to fast advance of disease.
Observation by the cardiologist, selection of therapy is certainly necessary.
See also http: // pedcardio. narod. ru