Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son 5, 5 years. One month ago the diagnosis - izov has been exposed...

03.05.2004, 17:40
Hello! To my son 5, 5 years. One month ago the diagnosis - izovalerianovaja an acidemia has been exposed. In this connection have translated or transferred the child on a rigid diet with restriction of fiber (ANY!!!) up to 8 10 g in day. A month eats only fruit and vegetables (and that not all). Whether tell or say, please, such restriction of fiber if its or his normal quantity or amount causes cramps, an acidosis, persistent vomitings can negatively affect or negatively have an effect development of the child? But in fact fiber is necessary for body height of the child and construction of an organism, whether not so? In advance I thank for the answer.

Muraveva E.M.
03.05.2004, 20:35
Such diagnosis does not exist. It can be wrong you have read through an extract? Under your description the diagnosis atsetonemicheskaja a vomiting approaches or suits. At her really limit meat fiber, but only young animals, appoint or nominate a plenty of alkaline drink and vegetables.
Necessarily write to me who has put you such diagnosis and whether have excluded at the child disease of kidneys?

04.05.2004, 13:24
Unfortunately, such diagnosis is. This genetically caused disturbance aminokislotnogo an exchange when in an organism enzyme izovaleril-KoA-a dehydrogenase is not developed or produced. Genetik from your site all has already explained. Here a reference on clause or article http: // www. osp. ru/doctore/1999/01/43. htm. Authors of this clause or article also have diagnosed us. Disease of kidneys have excluded (there is only a neurogenic bladder). Still links http: // obi. img. ras. ru/humbio/Biochem/empty/000994e9. etm; http: // rusmedtables. newmail. ru/bme_html/a011410_15/t01p370p. html; http: // www. oaanews. org
How to treat - I already I know. I am am excited with only insufficient consumption of fiber by the child.

Muraveva E.M.
05.05.2004, 03:56
Dear Natasha! If you live in Moscow concerning treatment and forecasting of a genetic pathology is better to address in DKB 13. In konsultativno-the diagnostic center conducts reception genetik and I think, that he can give you the fullest information on treatment of your disease. Certainly, constant restriction of consumption of any fiber for a growing organism harmfully. But now there are milk or dairy admixtures (as a variant of replacement of milk) on the basis of a hydrolysate of fiber, soya products. It is necessary to speak about it or this in detail with genetikami.